‘Penelope. 1‘ and ‘Blown.‘ have been published online on Mediterranean Poetry, edited by Anders Dahlgren.
Disclaimer Home Home Vita Vita To read To read News News PhotoArt PhotoArt Contact Contact Bibliography Bibliography Projects Projects Penelope (1)   I am Viewing the sea. Every day after day and each. My eyes hold an ocean. All saltblind I search for him The beloved, the one-and-only.  Even in deep sleep I am Seaing behind the horizon. But all I see is glittering Silence and deep ocean.
No-one‘s songs. Odyscenes To read: the Odyssey! To listen, closely: to all the voices behind. Behind what is written and what has been told. Voices besides. Voices above and below. Listen to them. Who wants to tell their own story, again and again: Penelope, Eurykleia, Kalypso, Telemach, Eumaios. Ships sneak along coasts, one Polyphem is counting sheep, and one Nobody gets away with it. One Phoenician woman contemplates her revenge and perishes in the attempt, but one child is kidnapped. And what do sirens dream about? A collection of poems, fotovisualisations and prose scenes based on the Odyssey, currently completed in German.
Decisions.   To walk the line or  To take one step And then another  To cross it and run.  After endless days Of stalemate endurance Between loss and resistance Holding on still holding on To a home lost beyond recall  You take this one step This irrevocable last step Hesitantly crossing the line This imaginary division Between home and elsewhere Proclaiming itself The Frontier  As if your feet were not yours Hesitantly you take this one step This irrevocable first step To enter your alien life Far away from home.
See ‘Projekte‘ in German for more.
Flotsam. Poems in times of wandering “Migration is not a crime”. No crime. Generation after generation over lands and lands and through continent after continent. Such as birds, fish, clouds: who could shut away the wind? “Migration / is not a crime” is written on a wall in the migration museum of Ballinstadt in Hamburg, and has been the starting-point for a series of poems on subjects, such as: flight, displace- ment, being home or being far from home, alien, strange, foreign. Touching family tales and heritages. There is an old suitcase down in the cellar, travelled to the United States and back again. Is it legitimate to empathize with all that going away going on, all that arriving, and moving on, and once again arriving? Legitimate to think oneself into old and new worlds while still at home? But then: what is this anyway—home? And where should it be: home? Poems in German, and English.
© Isa Falkenburg Poems and PhotoArt Patricia Falkenburg
Home Home Vita Vita To read To read News News PhotoArt PhotoArt Contact Contact Bibliography Bibliography Projects Projects Penelope (1)   I am Viewing the sea. Every day after day and each. My eyes hold an ocean. All saltblind I search for him The beloved, the one-and-only.  Even in deep sleep I am Seaing behind the horizon. But all I see is glittering Silence and deep ocean.
No-one‘s songs. Odyscenes To read: the Odyssey! To listen, closely: to all the voices behind. Behind what is written and what has been told. Voices besides. Voices above and below. Listen to them. Who wants to tell their own story, again and again: Penelope, Eury- kleia, Kalypso, Telemach, Eumaios. Ships sneak along coasts, one Polyphem is counting sheep, and one Nobody gets away with it. One Phoenician woman contemplates her revenge and perishes in the attempt, but one child is kidnapped. And what do sirens dream about? A collection of poems, fotovisualisations and prose scenes based on the Odyssey, currently completed in German.
‘Penelope. 1‘ and ‘Blown.‘ have been published online on Mediterranean Poetry, edited by Anders Dahlgren.
Decisions.   To walk the line or  To take one step And then another  To cross it and run.  After endless days Of stalemate endurance Between loss and resistance Holding on still holding on To a home lost beyond recall  You take this one step This irrevocable last step Hesitantly crossing the line This imaginary division Between home and elsewhere Proclaiming itself The Frontier  As if your feet were not yours Hesitantly you take this one step This irrevocable first step To enter your alien life Far away from home.
See ‘Projekte‘ in German for more.
Flotsam. Poems in times of wandering “Migration is not a crime”. No crime. Generation after generation over lands and lands and through continent after continent. Such as birds, fish, clouds: who could shut away the wind? “Migration / is not a crime” is written on a wall in the migration museum of Ballinstadt in Hamburg, and has been the starting-point for a series of poems on subjects, such as: flight, displacement, being home or being far from home, alien, strange, foreign. Touching family tales and heritages. There is an old suitcase down in the cellar, travelled to the United States and back again. Is it legiti- mate to empathize with all that going away going on, all that arriving, and moving on, and once again arriving? Legitimate to think oneself into old and new worlds while still at home? But then: what is this anyway—home? And where should it be: home? Poems in German, and English.
Disclaimer Poems and PhotoArt Patricia Falkenburg © Isa Falkenburg
No-one‘s songs. Odyscenes To read: the Odyssey! To listen, closely: to all the voices behind. Behind what is written and what has been told. Voices besides. Voices above and below. Listen to them. Who wants to tell their own story, again and again: Penelope, Eurykleia, Kalypso, Telemach, Eumaios. Ships sneak along coasts, one Polyphem is counting sheep, and one Nobody gets away with it. One Phoenician woman contemplates her revenge and perishes in the attempt, but one child is kidnapped. And what do sirens dream about? A collection of poems, fotovisualisations and prose scenes based on the Odyssey, currently completed in German.
Penelope (1)   I am Viewing the sea. Every day after day and each. My eyes hold an ocean. All saltblind I search for him The beloved, the one-and-only.  Even in deep sleep I am Seaing behind the horizon. But all I see is glittering Silence and deep ocean.
‘Penelope. 1‘ and ‘Blown.‘ have been published online on Mediterranean Poetry, edited by Anders Dahlgren.
Home Home Vita Vita To read To read News News PhotoArt PhotoArt Contact Contact Bibliography Bibliography Projects Projects
Flotsam. Poems in times of wandering “Migration is not a crime”. No crime. Generation after generation over lands and lands and through continent after continent. Such as birds, fish, clouds: who could shut away the wind? “Migration / is not a crime” is written on a wall in the migration museum of Ballinstadt in Hamburg, and has been the starting-point for a series of poems on subjects, such as: flight, displacement, being home or being far from home, alien, strange, foreign. Touching family tales and heritages. There is an old suitcase down in the cellar, travelled to the United States and back again. Is it legiti- mate to empathize with all that going away going on, all that arriving, and moving on, and once again arriving? Legitimate to think oneself into old and new worlds while still at home? But then: what is this anyway—home? And where should it be: home? Poems in German, and English.
Decisions.   To walk the line or  To take one step And then another  To cross it and run.  After endless days Of stalemate endurance Between loss and resistance Holding on still holding on To a home lost beyond recall  You take this one step This irrevocable last step Hesitantly crossing the line This imaginary division Between home and elsewhere Proclaiming itself The Frontier  As if your feet were not yours Hesitantly you take this one step This irrevocable first step To enter your alien life Far away from home.
See ‘Projekte‘ in German for more.
© Isa Falkenburg Poems and PhotoArt Patricia Falkenburg